Nisarg Hiteshkumar Patel

Nisarg Hiteshkumar Patel

Software Developer

3 (fun) facts about Nisarg

  • I don't miss a single chance to share the wonders of my hometown, Patan, and the incredible country that is India. It's like I have a superpower for spreading hometown pride and national love!
  • As a mentor guiding junior engineers, they used to address me as "Nisarg sir," but I didn't like it and asked them not to call me "Sir." However, secretly, I enjoyed it.
  • I'm a die-hard fan of the Indian Cricket Team captain, Rohit Sharma! You'll catch me glued to the TV for hours, mesmerized by every flick of his bat, especially when he unleashes his signature pull shot

What is my biggest internet achievement?

I once enhanced the performance of multiple APIs by optimizing their speed by 40% and resolving memory leaks, resulting in a 25% decrease in resource consumption prior to deployment.